
Banoffee verrines

July 1, 2007


If you haven’t already fallen for ‘verrine‘ thing, then here’s a recipe you could make in your sleep. The whole ‘verrine’ (transl. glass) fashion has taken hold of the cuisine world the last couple of years. Everyone does them. We have about 5 cookbooks at La Cocotte covering every possible combination of sweet, savoury or both flavours together.

To be honest I think it’s a bit of a gimick. It just involves plonking several different layers of ingredients in a glass. But heh hoh it looks posh and I’m all for fancy things which can be whipped up within minutes.

Banoffee verrine – light version

2 bananas, sliced
½ lemon
10 biscuits (preferably digestives), crushed to crumbs
150g of low fat yoghurt (use mascarpone for full fat version)
8 tbsp Dulce de leche

4 glasses

Squeeze lemon juice over bananas, stir. Put a tablespoon of biscuit crumbs at the bottom and then alternate layers of banana, dulce de leche and yoghurt. Finish with a sprinkling of crumbs. Served chilled.


Banoffee verrine – version ‘light’

2 bananes, couper en tranches.
Jus de 1/2 citron
10 biscuits (préférablement des digestives), écrasés
150g fromage blanc 0% (ou mascarpone)
8 c. à soupe de confiture de lait

4 verrines

Mélangez le jus de citron avec les bananes. Disposez une c. à soupe de biscuit écrasés au fond de chaque verrine, après alterner les couche de confiture du lait, des bananes et fromage blanc. Terminez en saupoudrant les biscuits. Servez froid.



  1. I have looked all over the web to buy verrine glasses, preferably with matching little spoons, to no avail. Any idea where I could buy them? I suppose I could use small juice glasses but I was hoping to get something prettier, and the spoons to go with it. I know you can buy them in france as a set, any ideas for the US?

  2. hmmmmmmmmm, not sure where you’ll be able to buy ‘verrine’ glasses in the States. To be honest ‘verrine’ is just the French word for ‘glass’. People over here tend just to use small glasses. The ones in the photo are actually yoghurt glasses. Shot glasses (if they’re not too small) are quite good too. I tend to find a lot of original glasses at the local flea market. Sorry I can’t be of more help.

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