
A match made in Heaven – Currant scones & clotted cream

April 1, 2008


Like peas & carrots, cookies & milk or fish & chips, clotted cream and scones are a match made in heaven and essential for a proper English teatime. The closest thing to clotted cream is probably mascarpone, although it’s a lot whiter in colour and less heavier.
I smuggled some back from the UK last week. So in between coding for my new site I found some time to whip up some scones for Sunday tea time (to my friends delight).
They’re best eaten warm with lashings of clotted cream and jam and not to forget TEA! If you eat them the next day, warm them up in the oven as they tend to turn a bit brick hard when cold.


Currant scones*

1 tbsp sugar
300g plain flour
11⁄2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
200ml/9fl oz milk
50g/1oz butter, melted
150g currants

Soak the currants in hot water for an hour. Preheat the oven to 220°C. Sieve the flour and baking powder together, add the sugar and salt, mix. Drain the currants. Add the currants and the milk and butter to the rest of the ingredients. Mix and then knead together to form a dough. Roll out to 3cm thickness on a floured surface, then using the rim of a glass, cut out 5cm wide rounds and place on a greased baking tray. Bake for 10 minutes, until golden. Serve with clotted cream, jam and of course, tea!

*P.S. This recipe isn’t an April fool 😉


  1. I love love LOVE clotted cream. It could be the best thing to ever come out of the UK besides David Beckham of course. There is a wonderful english pub that serves the best cream scones and clotted cream and everytime I eat there I feel like I am back in England.

  2. Once again, thank you for feeding me that afternoon. You should have seen Mr. Clumsy while you were in the kitchen, this guy IS crazy about food. That’s impressive.


  3. These scones look so delicious!

  4. Great recipe! I do hope it’s not an April fool 🙂

  5. This just looks so good! Reminds me of afternoon teas. 🙂

  6. clotted cream is a full-fat must-have for cream tea! the best ones come frm West Country milk, amazing that you smuggled it back! 🙂 your pics make me want to have one now mmmmm…actually, i am plannin to attempt homemade clotted cream some time soon..u’ve inspired me. cheers xx

  7. Like I need an excuse to slather clotted cream on warmish homemade scone! This isn’t afternoon tea, it’s afternoon delight!

  8. Sigh…clotted cream. mascarpone is good, but its not clotted cream. drool.

  9. It looks cool. Thanks for posting this recipe.

  10. Ahhh, I will have mine with a steaming hot cup of black coffee, thx!!!

  11. it’s delicious also with Double cream from Gruyères!

  12. * Crucial questions :
    – which jam do you recommend ?
    – which tea do you recommend ?
    – black or red currants (cassis ou groseille) ?

    * Critical issue : would you hopefully know where to find clotted cream in France (I’m sure there is some shops that sell it in Paris !)

  13. Patrick
    It all comes down to personal preference.
    I tend to always serve scones with either a strawberry or raspberry jam. And tea wise, I don’t like anything fancy, just a simple English blend (preferably fairtrade).
    However you could go with an afternoon tea blend or Earl Grey (which you either drink with sliced lemon or cream/milk).
    Currants are actually a type of dried raisin (raisin sec).

    And I’ve yet to find clotted cream in Paris. I’m hoping either Bon Marché or Galerie Lafayette might do a British week and ship some in.

  14. Hey wait !

    I think I found it !

    Check this : http://www.epicerie-anglaise.com/


  15. No WAy!!! Just had a look and they have it. Costs you an arm & a leg but still…
    Thanks a mil, Patrick!

  16. Ditto – clotted cream & scones really are a match made in heaven! I had one (well, not one but several) last weekend.
    Clotted cream has serious amount of calories in ’em though… I’m on a diet post-birth, but couldn’t stop slathering the cream on – it was too good!

  17. Gorgeous. Now, if only I can find (or make?) clotted cream in Texas. Sigh!

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